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Review of Rules for the Bakers Local 19 Charitable,
Educational and Recreational Fund



To be eligible to receive the benefits described below, you must be a Participant or eligible dependent. A Participant (member) is an active employee working for an employer contributing to the CER Fund on your behalf, or a retiree (member) of BCTGM Union Local No. 19 previously employed by a Contributing Employer of the CER Fund. Eligible dependents include your spouse and children, they may only participate in Christmas Parties and Scholarship programs as established by the Cleveland Bakers and Teamsters Health and Welfare Fund.


Recreational Benefits:

You may participate in up to three team activities annually; 14 weeks maximum per league.

  • Call the CER Fund to obtain a sports activity form. You will be required to provide the following information:

    Name and address of participant

    Dates and times of games

    Name and address of payee

    Shop name and address, shirt or uniform size 

    Name and telephone number of person to contact if additional information is needed

  • Obtain an invoice from the league, or entity, offering the activity you wish to participate in, which must include the cost, day and time reserved, payee and address where payment is to be mailed.

  • Mail your completed sports activity form and sports facility invoice to the Fund office at least 3 weeks prior to the payment due date:


Cleveland Bakers' Local No. 19 C.E.R. Fund
9665 Rockside Road - Suite A
Cleveland, OH 44125


Sponsored Benefits:

  • Basketball (Teams - maximum 10 players per team; 75% of team must be Participants)

    • Team fee and T-shirt

  • Bowling (Leagues - maximum 7 players per team; 100% of team must be Participants)

    • Weekly league fees, sanction fee and bowling shirt (No prize money)

  • Golf Leagues

    • 14 rounds of nine holes walking and golf shirt

  • Softball (Teams - maximum of 16 players per team; 75% of the team must be comprised of Participants)

    • Team fee and uniform (jerseys, pants, socks and hat)

  • Volleyball (Teams - maximum 10 players per team; 75% of team must be Participants)

    • Team fee and T-shirt



No benefits will be provided for the following:

  • Membership fees for clubs, spas or simulated sports

  • Instructional fees for learning how to play, or improve in, a particular sport; Tournament fees

  • Benefits for recreational activities in excess of three activities per year

  • Benefits not otherwise listed as covered recreational activities

Educational Scholarships:

Scholarship Award Program is open to Participants (including retirees) and Eligible Dependents. In order to be eligible, during the current Plan Year, an applicant must be one of the following:

  • An Eligible Dependent planning to enter college or a recognized technical or vocational post-secondary school for the first time following his or her high school graduation; or

  • A Participant who has never previously applied to any scholarship program or scholarship competition of the Plan and who is currently enrolled or planning to commence or resume studies.

Call the CER Fund office or visit the BCTGM’s website at to obtain an application.


Return completed application to BCTGM Local 19 for certification. Local 19 will forward your completed application to the International Scholarship Office. All applications must reach the International Scholarship Office prior to January 31st.


  • Plan to participate in the annual Blood Bank scheduled in your area, check the Blood Banks tab for a current listing.

  • Donations - Disbursements are periodically made to various charitable organizations, as approved by the Trustees.

Keep in mind that the charitable, educational and recreational benefits available to Participants and eligible family members are subject to annual budget guidelines, as established by the Trustees. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to change, modify or discontinue sponsored activities at any time. If you have any questions about your eligibility for benefits, contact Ed Thomas at 216-771-5386 ext. 192 / 800-362-2120 ext. 192 or Pat Thomas 216-503-6110 / 800-342-7020

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