Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers International Union
History of Local 19
In February 1886 Cleveland’s Journeymen Bakers Association voted to join the “National Union” that was established in January 1886 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Cleveland was granted Charter No. 19 which remained in constant existence over the next 25 years.
In that time period Local 19 grew to what was then an all-time high of 900 journeymen bakers. In 1919, an unsuccessful and unpopular industry wide strike left the once strong Cleveland Local demoralized, split apart and financially collapsed. A handful of bakers kept Local 19’s charter alive, as many attempts were made to re-organize.

First Convention of “The Journeymen Bakers National Union”

Harvey Friedman
President of Local 19 1934-1974
Then in 1934, Harvey Friedman appeared on the scene and put on a dynamic drive to rebuild the Union. Under his leadership the Local grew to over 3,000 members with many working in kindred industries, such as candy workers, cracker workers, macaroni workers as well as potato chip and pretzel workers. This period of “renaissance” and growth continued for the next 4 decades under Harvey’s leadership.
In 1974, Harvey turned over the day to day operations of the Union to his son Harold. Operating much like his father, Harold continued the growth of Local 19 though organizing drives and mergers. He soon had members all over the state of Ohio. He was a dynamic leader and a tough negotiator who turned out the best labor agreements in the industry.

Harold Friedman
President of Local 19
In 2000, current president Paul LaBuda was elected along with a slate of Officers that had all worked under the Harold Friedman regime. Each of them benefitted from the leadership and knowledge that Harold passed down. Today Local 19 is proud to represent approximately 4,000 members in 3 states making Local 19 the largest and best represented Local Union in our industry.